Why Use AI for Processing Incoming Invoices?

The AI solution ensures time savings, quick profit realization and insight. There is great potential for improvement in large enterprises when it comes to automating the flow of invoices. Many still use older rule-based systems. Artificial intelligence works optimally to automate these processes.

Large companies spend millions on invoice processing. Some companies rely exclusively on everyone in the company entering the correct accounting information into the accounting system. Others are at different stages of digitization, where some use rule-based systems that are both complicated and expensive to implement, it also takes a lot of expensive working time from the accountant if an invoice does not fit into the set of rules, this and much more will add up to large costs for your company.

You get a digital employee who reasons like people and works 24/7. This frees up time so that the employees can focus on value-creating work and be good advisers to the CFO, customers and the company! In order to retain and attract the most competent employees, one should invest in modern technology that gives employees a better working day.

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We integrate with any ERP system!

 For accounting firms, there are major operational advantages in using the solution. You receive an invoice regardless of which ERP systems your customers use, that is, if you currently have customers on different ERPs, you have access to all customers on one and the same platform regardless of ERP.
Visma ERP systemer
Oracle Netsuite


Our customers place high demands on security and topics related to the GDPR legislation, which includes CloudAct, Schrems II. All data is processed, operated and supported within the EU

No third party

All data is saudonymized and encrypted, stored in the AWS Stockholm region.

Open API

Soc2 certified for type 1 & 2 



Approval App



Computer Vision

Processes invoices from all data (supports PDF, TIFF, JPG etc., as well as receiving PEPPOL BIS and EHF), and extracts key information from all data points on the invoice.



Computer Vision predicts the costs in the Customer's cost accounts and dimensions. Accounting gives the invoice manager the opportunity to review and assess the proposals from the solution.


Advanced approval

 Process for approving invoices through a browser and/or mobile app, with support for notifications via e-mail. The customer approves the invoices in the Solution or in the individual ERP.



The accountant checks the algorithm's prediction and checks for deviations. When the algorithm feels confident about the predictions, the invoice is set on autopilot.

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